Safeguarding Information

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Atkinson. Mrs Meegan and Miss Appleyard are our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.
If a concern is raised about the well being of your child we would nearly always speak to the family in the first instance to clarify the concern. There are rare circumstances where we discuss our concern with Social Care and refer to Social Care professionals in the first instance. This is only if we jointly believe that the child’s well being would be at risk if we did so. We know this procedure is worrying for families but we all have the children’s best interests at heart and the child’s safety is paramount.
Nicola Taheri is the safeguarding governor who is responsible for checking at a local level that the school is undertaking its duties in relation to safeguarding.
We operate Safer Recruitment practices for recruitment e.g. ID checks on arrival, qualifications checked and two references in place prior to interview.
Supply agencies are provided with copies of our policies and health and safety information prior to sending us staff and the Head/School Business Manager will ensure supply staff know fire procedures and also child protection procedures on arrival.
We regularly provide information on our newsletters about what parents can do if they have a concern about a child. Parents should contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub if they are concerned in holiday periods or if they would rather speak to the MASH team.
Telephone: 0300 126 1000 or click on a link below.
Parents and community members have used this in the past to keep our children safe.
Northamptonshire Safeguarding Board or Young Northants Website
We talk to children about their safety e.g. stranger danger, preparing for school holidays and risks, peer pressure, fireworks and Halloween activities. There are worry boxes in school to help them with concerns. We also talk to them at an age appropriate level about their own bodies. We would advise families to teach their child the NSPCC Underwear Rule and help protect them and to make sure they understand about private body parts from a young age. It's a simple way that parents can help keep children safe – without using scary words.
Online Safety Information
Setting up parental controls on your iPad or iPhone at home. It is possible to restrict your child’s online access and app access tremendously. This link is a good place to start. If you need more help, this is something Mrs. Parris is happy to help you with as she has been doing this with her own children for several years now; pupils’ parents may email the school office to set up an appointment. on the right hand sidebar are lots of useful links for parents:
Helpful parent Online-Safety Leaflets in 12 Community languages.
How to set up parental controls for lots of different devices.
Setting up guided access on your apple device – restricting users to a single app with three quick clicks. Very effective for protecting our youngest children (we use this strategy almost daily in Hedgehog class).
Information on cyberbullying.
A link to’s latest #DITTO e-safety newsletters. You can also subscribe so they come straight to you.
Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Board’s e-safety page. This includes a link to the latest edition of their Online Safety Newsletter.
Checklists for parents to give you top tips on how to help them stay safe. 0-5yrs, 6-10yrs, 11-13yrs, 14+ yrs. Each age section also has a short video to help make things really clear.
Vodafone’s website is called 'Vodafone Digital Parenting'. It offers parents/carers information and advice about the latest digital technologies and the kind of challenges children might face in their digital world.
Guided Access-limits your device to a single app and lets you control which features are available.
Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP) website