Welcome to the Local Academy Board
As Chair of the Local Academy Board, it's my pleasure to welcome you to Rushton Primary School.
The Board - consisting of Parent and Community Governors - is listed in the document section below and our priority is to ensure that your children receive the best-possible education and care during their journey with us...as well as having lots of fun at the same time!
We are often in and around school at the various events, so please do take time to chat to us or contact me via the school office if that's more convenient.
And if joining us on the Local Academy Board is something which you might like to consider, I'd be delighted to explain what's involved in more detail - it's an extremely rewarding way of being involved with the life of our fantastic school!
If you would like to learn more, or to have a chat you can send me a message via the school and I will get straight back to you clerk@rushton.pfschools.org.uk
Best wishes,
Nichola Mohsen-Taheri- Chair of Local Academy Board
Local Academy Board Information
As Governors we meet each half term and are responsible for standards, safeguarding, SEND and stakeholders engagement along with monitoring the effectiveness of the school against its agreed objectives.
We do this by examining the data, meeting with staff and regularly visiting school to look at what happens. There is a Governor linked to key areas such as Safeguarding and Special Educational Needs.
We are often in school so if you would like to ask a question or speak to one of us please just approach us or alternatively email and one of us will contact you.​
Please click here for information on the Pathfinder Trust Board.