School Uniform
Rushton Primary School recommends and encourages all children to wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in a school-organised event outside normal school hours. Rushton Primary School fully endorses the principle that the schools uniform should be affordable for everyone. Please see a copy of our school uniform policy below.
School uniform can be purchased direct from our uniform supplier website.
Go to www.yourschooluniform.com and type Rushton Primary School in the search box at the top. It will bring up our school. Please click on the link and it will take you to our page, where you can make your selection.
Aims & Objectives
Our policy on uniform is based on the notion that school uniform:
• Promotes a sense of pride in the school
• Is practical and smart
• Identifies children with the school
• Prevents children from coming in fashion clothes that could be distracting in class
• Makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance
• Is regarded as suitable wear for school and good value for money by most parents/carers
• Is designed with Health & Safety in mind
The wearing of any jewellery by the children during school sessions is not recommended.
For reasons of Health & Safety, and in line with County Policy, no jewellery is to be worn for any activities involving physical education. Staff are not permitted to remove or replace earrings, unless written permission is given. Whilst there may be exceptions it is expected that pupils are responsible for removing their own earrings before P.E.
Watches may be worn but the wearing of watches is discouraged in Hedgehog Class; all watches must be removed for P.E. The Governors cannot be held responsible for their loss, or damage, should this occur if they are worn to school.
It is advisable during all school activities to have long hair (collar length) tied back as it often gets in the way and heightens the chances of catching head lice.
For safety reasons it is essential that all long hair (collar length) is tied back during PE. If he / she forgets a hair band on the day we will provide one.
Appropriate footwear which is suitable for both school and weather conditions is recommended. Footwear with velcro rather than laces are encouraged for the younger children for ease of removal. In line with Health and Safety guidelines fashion shoes, ‘higher’ heels or those offering inadequate support will be discouraged. Plimsolls or trainers are acceptable footwear for P.E. Wellington boots should be removed inside the building, stored and made available to use at play/break/lunchtimes.